Energy Doctor's tips

16 January 2025


1 min read

Kate Urwin is a recognised specialist in the subject of household energy and energy efficiency, who founded the Yorkshire Energy Doctor CIC in 2014. Here she shares some tips to help you be more energy efficient and reduce your bills.

" The last 3 years have been an exceptional time with energy never being far from headline news - record energy prices, energy suppliers going bust, smart meters not working and the recent loss of the winter fuel payment for most pensioners.

Now, 6 million households in the UK are in fuel poverty - that's nearly 1 in 4 - needing to spend 10% or more of their household income to adequately heat their home. 

Not only does this have significant health implications, for example the NHS spends £540 million every year treating illnesses linked to cold homes, it also has an impact in other ways, such as on our school children, with those in the UK missing more school days due to effects of damp than any EU member state. 

It is easy to think that prices are just high and we just have to cope, but there are actions we can all take and I've shared three key tips below.

As you read through them, think about what you could do in your own home, but also what may be relevant to other people you know - such as colleagues, family members or friends."

Find out more about each of these tips and ways to access helpful information, government grants and benefits here.