Golden Sundial Award for East Ruston

22 July 2024

Garden News

1 min read

We are delighted to announce that Graham Robeson OBE and Alan Gray of East Ruston Old Vicarage were recently honoured with the National Garden Scheme's prestigious golden sundial, marking 30 years of opening their stunning garden for the scheme. Perennial, among the beneficiaries, extends heartfelt congratulations to them for this achievement.

The award was presented at the annual Garden Owners’ party, hosted by Alan and Graham. Julia Stafford Allan, Norfolk’s National Garden Scheme County Organiser and Publicity Officer, remarked, “The garden, looking beautiful as always, has welcomed visitors for the National Garden Scheme for 30 years. It was my great pleasure to present Alan and Graham with the golden sundial to celebrate this milestone.”

In 2023, to commemorate the anniversary of their purchase of East Ruston Old Vicarage, Alan and Graham announced their decision to bequeath the garden and house to Perennial upon their deaths. Their generous legacy ensures the garden will be cared for, remain open to visitors, and continue to raise vital funds to support individuals in horticulture.