Woolton House
Woolton House
Berkshire, RG20 9TZ
- 27th June 2025
- 11:00 - 15:00
- £149
Woolton House, not usually available for public viewing, has been added to and modified by succeeding generations, until the Edwardians turned it into a practical, country house.
Charles and Rosamond Brown completed the process with a stupendous glass extension. In the garden, they started with a completely clean slate and sought the advice of the French designer Pascal Cribier, whose work includes the Tuileries Garden in Paris. Cribier designed the magnificent contemporary potager in the walled garden. There is also a Chinese cutting garden in hot colours.
The Rose Garden, surrounding a cleverly enlarged formal pool, is a collaboration between the Browns and Cribier. Aralias by the pool give height and structure and Rosa chinensis 'Sanguinea', a hard-to-find sibling of 'Mutabilis', droops over the edge of the pool. A spectacular oak stands on an expansive lawn beside the house; beyond, in the woodland, Andy Goldsworthy has created a large mound in a clearing.
This is a garden of great style, maintained with great care and gardened with enthusiasm and panache.
Lunch will be served at Woolton House will be cooked by the resident chef using products from the garden.