RHS Malvern Spring Festival - plant list
The plants showcased in this garden mirror those thriving in The Laskett garden, particularly in early May. Despite varying growing conditions this year, some late flowering plants are featured. Although not all trees originate from The Laskett, they’ve been part of its evolution. Notably, the majestic pair of Prunus Royal Burgundy which will be replanted at The Laskett in honour of the King’s Coronation.
Acer Davidii
Betula albosinensis 'Fascination'
Pinus nigra ssp. nigra
Prunus ‘Royal Burgundy’
Taxus baccata
Osmanthus burkwoodii (h30cm x l32m)
Taxus baccata (h 2.5m x l 2.5m)
Deutzia Cherry Blossom
Euonymus alatus
Hebe 'Lime Pickle'
Parrotia persica
Prunus laur. 'Caucasica'
Prunus lusitanica 'Myrtifolia'
Spiraea Big Bang
Asplenium scolopendrium
Cyrtomium fortunei
Dryopteris affinis 'Polydactyla Dadds'
Dryopteris filix
Anemone blanda
Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Ajuga 'Purple Torch'
Alchemilla mollis 'Irish Silk'
Auricula Named Collection
Bergenia 'Bressingham White'
Brunnera macraphylla 'Looking Glass'
Digitalis lutea
Geranium Jolly Jewel
Geum 'Fiery Tempest'
Geum 'Mandarin'
Geum 'Totally Tangerine'
Hosta 'Halcyon'
Hosta 'Patriot'
Iris sibirica 'Sparkling Rose'
Iris sibirica 'White Swirl'
Lamium Maculatum 'Beacon Silver'
Nemesia 'Peaches 'n' Cream'
Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant'
Paeonia tenuifolia
Polemonium 'Kaleidoscope'
Rodgersia podophylla 'Braunlaub'
Saxifraga 'London Pride'
Tellima grandiflora Rubra
Teucrium Scorodonia 'Binstead Gold'
Tiarella 'Emerald Ellie'
Viola odorata
If you have been captivated by our show garden, we encourage you to come and see the full splendour of the garden. We’re open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from April to October. Admission is £12 per person and includes a beautifully illustrated plan of the gardens along with the use of an audio guide narrated by Sir Roy Strong CH.

Book your visit
To ensure your visit is as enjoyable as possible, we ask that you please book your visit and picnic in advance. Groups (6+) are welcome by prior arrangement. Please call 01432 805454 or email thelaskett@perennial.org.uk We look forward to welcoming you.
Book your visit and picnic
Picnics at The Laskett
Treat yourself to a delicious picnic on your visit to The Laskett.

The history of The Laskett
Created from a bare field the gardens have continued to evolve since 1974.

Volunteer at The Laskett
When you volunteer, you’ll join a group of wonderful people who want to make a difference in the world.